Guide for PicManager: Image Uploader

February 9, 2024 172 view(s)
Guide for PicManager: Image Uploader

After installing, you'll be taken to the Home page, where you can watch a quick video guide, view the Change Log, and reach out to our Support team if needed.

PicManager home page


Before uploading, we suggest going to the Settings page to customize your preferences for image matching, order, and alt tags.


Image Naming and Upload Settings


Set the Matching Criteria to align image names with the corresponding products:

  • SKU: Name images with the SKU of the product. And use SKU to assign images to products.
  • Title: Name images with the parent product title and use it as the matching criterion to assign images to products.
  • Title: Name images with the variant title or parent product title and use it as the matching criterion to assign images to variants.

Select Matching Type:

  • Full Match: The image name must exactly match the product information.
  • Partial Match: the app will attempt to match images to products based on a portion of the image name. If a part of the image name matches a product's SKU, the image will be assigned to that product and any variations of that SKU.

For example, if you have an image named "Toy50.jpg," it will be assigned to products with SKUs like "Toy50," "Toy501," or "Toy502."

Note: The image name must contain a part of the product's SKU for a successful match. The SKU cannot be a part of the image name.


Choose an Image numbering separator: hash (#), dash (-), or underscore (_), to set the order of your images.

If you're uploading multiple images for the same product, add a number after the separator in the image name. For example, for a product with the SKU 'sample-product' and a hash (#) separator, name the images like this:



Note: avoid using a separator symbol in the SKU itself.


Add image alt tags: Additionally, you can activate the automatic addition of alt tags for uploaded images. This can be useful for SEO purposes, and you have the option to:

  • Disable alt tags addition.
  • Use the product name as a base for the alt tag addition.
  • Use the variant name as a base for the alt tag addition.

Click the Save button to apply your settings.

Image uploading

After setting your preferences, go to the Upload page to start uploading your images.

image assignment


Decide whether to manually or automatically assign images to products:

  • Manual assign: Offers granular control over image-product assignment.
  • Automatic assign: Uses the matching criteria specified on the Settings page to automatically assign images to the correct products.

To upload files, simply drag and drop your images, or click the Select Files button to choose them from your computer, Google Drive, or Dropbox.


If you're using Google Drive or Dropbox, simply sign in to your account and grant PicManager access, so the app can view and upload your files. Loading files from Dropbox may take some time. Please wait until the process is complete.


You have the option to compress all the images into a ZIP file and upload that ZIP file from your computer. The name of the ZIP file doesn't matter; only the image names inside are considered.


We support the following file formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .webp, with a limit of 1000 images per upload. The maximum file size allowed is 1 GB. t's recommended to avoid simultaneous downloads as it can affect download speed.


After you've added the necessary files, find and click the Start Uploading button.


Automatic assignment

After the upload is complete, if automatic assignment is enabled, you'll be taken to a page with a grid displaying the matched products. Review the grid to ensure all images are correctly matched with their respective products: 

Image matching after upload


At this point, you need to choose a strategy. Decide whether you want to add the new images to the existing ones or replace them.

Note: use the replace strategy with caution, as it will replace the current product images.


You can remove an image from matching by clicking the "X" icon.

After making your choice, click Finish Upload.

If the upload is successful, you'll see a confirmation message along with the upload history. You'll also find any images that may need optimization due to their large size, which could slow down your page loading speed. To optimize them, click Go to Image Optimization and install our app to help compress your images.

upload results


On the Upload page, you'll find a history section with details about all your uploads, including their status, when they were created and finished, and a detailed log:



Manual assignment

If you chose manual assignment, you’ll be directed to the matching menu.

Here You have two options:

  • One-to-Many Matching (All products assignment): Attach the image to all/multiple products, excluding certain products/variants if necessary.

  • Many-to-One Matching (Selected products assignment): Attach the image to specific selected products or variants only.

After ensuring all images are correctly matched with their respective products, click Continue.

At this point, you’ll be taken to a Matching Results Report with a grid showing matched products. Then the process of completing the uploading will repeat the steps when selecting automatic assignment. Decide whether you want to add the new images to the existing ones or replace them. After making your choice, click Finish Upload.


Product Variants

Each product variant can only have one image assigned to it. Additional images will be saved under the parent product.

Add to an existing image gallery - If the product variant didn't have any images previously, one image will be added to it, and any additional images will be linked to the main product. If there was already an image, all files will be linked to the main product at once.

Replace image - only one image can be linked to each variant. If you replace an image for a variant, it will simply remove the previously uploaded one.