Guide for FeedFusion - Product Feed Sync

October 17, 2023 59 view(s)
Guide for FeedFusion - Product Feed Sync

Before starting the feeds generation, we recommend you to configure the application by specifying the following settings: 

Store Description - here, you can write a concise summary providing essential information about your store. You may add the store description attribute to the feed header. It's automatically added to the Google feed header by default.

Country Code, Shipping Service and Shipping Price may be specified here as global settings and used for all feeds. Alternatively, you can set them individually for each feed.


Shipping - insert a required shipping information for all feeds. 

Currency - specify the currency code used for feeds.

Product organization - choose the default data for feeds.

After configuring the settings, navigate to the relevant object grid, where you can create feeds, filters, or mappings.


Product feeds creation


To create a product feed, please go to the 'Feeds' grid.


To choose a ready-made template or create a custom feed, click Add Feed. You can then select either a ready-made template or create a custom one.

After choosing a feed type, you can also select the feed format and context preference.



Specify the General Information about a new feed.

Name - specify feed name.


Status - here you can activate or deactivate the feed.


Max Number of Items per File - the setting allows you to limit the number of items included.


Compression - you can set to compress the feed to Zip format when it generates and uploads to the server.


Protect the feed link - here you can add a custom password to protect created feed.

Download -  click the button to immediately download the generated feed.


Copy link - get a link for created feed by a click.


Exclude Disabled Products - set the checkbox to exclude products with the disabled status from the feed.


Exclude Out of Stock Products - enable the option if you don't want to include out of stock products to the feed.


Applied Filters - select the created filter to determine the products should be added to a feed or excluded from it.

In the Shipping Options setting you may change the general configuration and specify Country Code, Shipping Service and Shipping Price specific for the feed. 


Applied Mappings - choose the created feed mapping between your collections and shopping engine categories.



Delimiter - specify the symbols to delimit the fields (Comma (,), Tab, Colon (:), Space, Semicolon (;), Pipeline (|)).

Enclosure - choose the symbols to enclose the fields (Double Quote (“), Quote (‘)).

If you choose CSV / TXT format, you will get fields for entering the feed column name, attribute and format.


Attribute - when you configure product data, you can add a new attribute, image and other entity. For example, add a Vendor attribute to get more relevant information on the product vendors.

Format - here you choose a format of the attribute field (as it is, data format or price format).

It is also possible to add various modifiers, show or hide them. For example, if the value of the selected attribute is not specified, you can apply 'If Empty' modifier. In this case, the value from this field will be filled in.



If you choose XML format, you will get fields for entering the feed header, footer and product information.


Header - used to place some info into the XML header.

XML Tag for Item - a tag which will wrap each product in the feed.

Content - an XML editor where XML tags and attribute codes are inserted.

Tag - XML tag for the entity set up below. To add a line of data to a feed, please enter the attribute XML tag according to the specification of a particular shopping search engine (e.g. for XML tag will be g:price).

Footer - used to place some info into XML footer.

Also specify the Attribute and Format.

It is possible to add modifiers for cases when you need to modify the original values of an attribute. To do this, use ‘Add modifier’ action; select one action from the available range:

  • Strip tags - delete HTML and PHP tags from the line;
  • HTML escape - escape special symbols from the product description;
  • Google HTML escape - escape special symbols within an HTML string and trimming any leading or trailing spaces if they exist;
  • Lowercase - convert all attribute letters to lower case;
  • Uppercase - convert all attribute letters to upper case;
  • Capitalize - make the first uppercase letter;
  • Capitalize Each Word - make the first letter of each word uppercase;
  • Integer - convert values to whole numbers, for example, 5.2 will be converted to 5;
  • Length - remove symbols and numbers without rounding, for example, 33.75 will be truncated to 33;
  • Prepend - add text before the value in the column. The text is specified in an additional field that appears when this modifier is selected;
  • Append - add the text after the value in the column. The text is specified in an additional field that appears when this modifier is selected;
  • Replace - after choosing this modifier, 2 fields appear: in the first one we indicate the word that needs to be replaced, and in the second one - the word to be replaced with;
  • Round - round the number down to a whole following the mathematical rounding rules (0.5 - upwards to 1);
  • If Empty - specify the value to use instead of an empty attribute's value;
  • If Not Empty - fill in the value that will replace the original attribute's value;
  • To secure URL - replace http with https;
  • To unsecure URL - replace https with http.

When you've chosen the modifier, click the Update button to apply it.



Here you may enter FTP account credentials where the feed will be uploaded.

Host - FTP\SFTP server hostname or IP address.

Port -  server's port number.

Protocol - network protocol for transmitting files.

User - FTP\SFTP username.

Password - FTP\SFTP password.

Path - path to directory on FTP\SFTP server. 

Click the Check connection button to check whether the data for the FTP\SFTP connection is correct.

History - this section provides detailed information regarding the uploading of a feed.



Decide whether to generate feed manually or by schedule. When you choose to generate feed by schedule, also specify the precise day or several days and time of its generation.

To schedule feed generation without uploading, choose the time and day, but don't fill in details in in Connection Settings. 


These settings allow you to set utm-parameters that will be added to the urls in your feed. Thus, you can collect all the sales statistics to your Google Analytics account.



When the feed is configured, press the Preview Feed button to preview the feed before its generation:

Configure Filters

It's also possible to create a feed for specific products. To create a product filter, please go to the 'Filters' grid.

Filter Name - specify filter name.

Status - here you can activate or deactivate the filter.

At the Conditions section, you can specify the products that will be included into the feed you are editing.

In our example, we specified the conditions to generate the feed only for the products with the quantity less than 5.

Applied to Feeds - select the created feeds to apply the filter.


Configure Category Mapping for shopping platforms

If you need to make changes to your store’s categories to suit the requirements of the platform where you would like to upload your feed, please go to the 'Data mapping' grid.

To create new category mapping, please hit on the Add Mapping button and specify the name here.

In the Collections Mapping section map your collections with shopping engine categories.

Applied to Feeds - choose the created feeds to apply the collections mapping.

Pricing plans



If you encounter an error during the feed upload in Meta Commerce Manager (Facebook/Instagram) stating:

'Your feed is missing locality information. Check to make sure you include: availability_circle_origin and availability_circle_radius, or availability_polygon_coordinates, or availability_postal_codes, or availability_circle_radius and address' - you need to add the following fields to the feed and replace the data with your own.

For CSV feed:

  • address.neighborhoods
  • address.postal_code
  • address.region
  • address.street_address
  • availability_circle_radius_unit
  • availability_circle_radius

For XML feed:

 <g:city>Palo Alto</g:city>
 <g:country>United States</g:country>
 <g:neighborhoods>Palo Alto</g:neighborhoods>
 <g:street_address>675 EI Camino Real</g:street_address>